James Prentice

Andy gif

Favourite Team and Player?

I’m a Blues fan, Birmingham City. It’s normally pretty tough going and we haven’t had many high points over the years, but I still love going down to St. Andrews and watching them play. Favourite player is Jose Dominguez. To have a tricky, skilful winger at the Blues just didn’t happen when I was young, so he stood out a mile.

Favourite Food?

Sounds a bit boring but hummus and pitta bread. I could go through a whole tub of the stuff if left to my own devices!

Number one pet peeve?

The rain! And living in England it’s something that I have to deal with on a nearly daily basis. Don’t know why, but getting wet really annoys me.

Something people might be surprised to learn?

I’ve written a book about learning English as a foreign language. I taught the subject whilst I was travelling abroad and studied for my Masters whilst in Portugal. So when the chance arose to write about it, I thought “why not!”.


University of Gloucestershire – BSc Sport and Exercise Science

Coaching Qualifications

MA Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Cert. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Cert. in Teaching English To Young Learners
FA Level 1
FA Futsal Level 1
FA Welfare Officer Certified
Paediatric First Aid Qualified
Multi Sports Coaching Level 2
Badminton England: ‘Racket Pack’ qualified
Handball England: Introduction to teaching Handball

The Bio

Coach Jimmy came on board as a partner with Andy in 2018 to help grow the business and develop their shared love of sport and physical education. The two have known each other for over 10 years and met during their time in the USA, where they both lived and worked as football coaches in New Jersey.

Jimmy shares the company’s vision for the future and holds the same values for using sport as a way to help kids grow, learn and develop holistically. He is motivated, experienced and passionate about both sport and coaching children to reach their potential.

Jimmy grew up sport mad and subsequently studied the subject at university. He was coaching throughout his time in Gloucestershire, but moving to America in the summer of 2007 really contributed to shaping his outlook on life and how physical education can be used positively to help people. Although he then spent the next 10 years working and living abroad in Thailand and Portugal, Jimmy and Andy never lost contact and his return to the UK prompted the two to ‘team up’ and use AJB Sports in Education as the vehicle to help children develop, learn and grow through sport.