What Sports Activities do we offer at our Holiday Camps in Worcester?

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Want to know some of the games and activities that we run at our Football and Activity Camps? We thought we would put down a few of our favourites, so you can see what fun we get up to. We can’t tell you all of our games, you will have to sign up and join us to find out the rest!

Check out our list of fantastic activities below and scroll down for some more in depth information on some of our favourites!

Sports Activities at Camp

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Gymnastics

Others we offer:

  • Tennis
  • Dance
  • Cricket
  • Hockey
  • Badminton
  • Plus more…

Holiday Camp Classics

  • Dodgeball
  • Gaga
  • Capture the Flag
  • Nerf Activities

Others that we offer:

  • Pacman
  • Benchball
  • 40-40
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Plants vs Zombies
  • Plus more…

Indoor Activities

  • Lego Challenges
  • Paper Aeroplanes
  • Design your own game
  • Board Games

Others that we offer

  • Quizzes
  • Arts and Crafts
  • 4 Corners
  • Mafia
  • Colouring Challenges
  • Plus more…


Sports Activities at Camp


Throughout the camp we focus on individual skills like dribbling, defending, shooting, footwork and ball skills in progressive sessions, whilst mixing it up with fun games like Lightning, Power and Finesse and Mini Matches.

Also available at:

Birthday Parties / School Services


Basketball, like other sports, we feel is best taught through fun and individual games. We will mix a combination of dribbling, shooting and teamwork exercises with fun games like shooting competitions, killer challenge and mini matches.

Birthday Parties / School Services


Rackets at the ready! We love teaching tennis through fun games and individual challenges. Whether we are playing Donut, through to learning the Forehand and Backhand, we will have fun in games like mini matches and round the world.

School Services


We love doing Gymnastics at our camps. Getting the equipment out, letting children have a say in what we learn and what equipment we use. Always great fun to add themes and fun games like a ‘Mario challenge’ or ‘The Floor is Lava’.

School Services

Holiday Camp Classics


A classic game, loved by all and a camp favourite. We’ve got so many fun variations like Stars Wars, Last Man Standing, Superhero and Harry Potter dodgeball.

Also available at:

Birthday Parties / School Services


A classic brought from America. Can you survive inside the Gaga pit by trying to eliminate everyone else, without being eliminated yourself? Remember, dont let the ball hit your legs or you are out of there!

Birthday Parties / School Services

Capture The Flag

Two teams head to head, trying to protect their own flag, whilst trying to take the other teams. Are you brave enough and fast enough to get the others flag without being seen?

Birthday Parties / School Services

Nerf Activities

Safety comes first with our Nerf Activities, but that doesnt mean they cant be fun. Children can help design targets or the layout of our shooting alleys. Then the games begin, how many can you hit in the targeted time?

Birthday Parties / School Services

Indoor Activities


A camp favourite for all days, including our World Cup Friday. Spin the wheel of topics on the board, get into your teams and see where you creativity takes you in the time limit. We love seeing the creations the children make!

School Services / Wraparound Clubs

Paper Aeroplane Challenges

Can you follow the video to build your perfect paper aeroplane? Decide how you want to design in, the colours and logos. Then take your pride and joy and enter it into the races and challenges with your fellow campers.

School Services / Wraparound Clubs

Design your own game

We love handing over the creative reigns to children. Can you take a classic game and add a cool, new theme to it. Or can you create a brand new game for us all to try with the equipment we give you. The result is always the same – loads of fun!

School Services / Wraparound Clubs

Board Games

Board games have classic written all over them. Whether its playing Chess, Cards, Dominoes or Jenga, the children love getting the board games out for a session. Everyone loves to challenge the coaches and beat them every time.

School Services / Wraparound Clubs

Contact us for more information on our Holiday Camps in Worcester