Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) for families

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What is the HAF camp program?

HAF is a Department for Education (DfE) funded programme aimed at enabling children and young people in receipt of benefits-related free school meals (FSM) to attend school holiday activities and experiences during Easter, Summer and Christmas.

In Worcestershire, the county works with over 200 organisations to deliver the programme for families, this includes holiday club providers, workshop providers, supermarkets, suppliers, caterers, community groups, charities and schools.

The programme creates free places for eligible children to attend, with a focus on enriching activities with a healthy meal and snacks included.

Research has shown that the school holidays can be pressure points for some families, leading to a holiday experience gap. Through the HAF programme we are encouraging children that access our out-of-school activities to eat well, get active, have fun and make friends.

– Worcestershire County Council Website 

Check to see if you are eligible and how to sign up

AJB Sports in Education are proud to have been delivering HAF camps in the Worcester and Redditch areas since 2023. 

Our camps are primarily sports based camps centred around physically active sports and games. We always tailor and edit our camps for whoever is joining us, adapting and editing our activities to include all children attending.

We will be doing sports such as Football, Tennis, Basketball and Hockey, as well as all of our camp favourites like Gaga, Dodgeball, Capture the Flag and much more. During the camps we will also be heading into the classroom for engaging games, lego activities, quizzes and challenges – so whatever you’re into, we’ve got you covered!

Beanbag Throw

Whats included in a AJB Sports in Education HAF Camp?

How to sign up to an AJB Sports in Education HAF Camp?

If you are not already registered, you will need to register and be approved on the Worcestershire County Council Website. There website has all the relevant information regrading the HAF camps, and all bookings must go through thier website.

Once registered, lease click here to check our availability on the HAF camps website and book your place in.