Lunchtimes are the perfect opportunity for children to get active and increase their physical activity levels and learning in a fun and enjoyable way. The UK government targets each child getting 60 minutes of physical activity everyday in and out of schools. On top of their PE lessons children spend so much time on the playground that it is a great time to utilise keeping children Active.

Whether playing sports or organised games, this time can be vital in encouraging children to enjoy physically active play and interactive games, as well as using it to address other issues in the classroom or within social groups. AJB Sports in Education’s activity programmes and lunchtime clubs allow your pupils to improve their overall fitness and learn valuable skills during their lunchtimes. They can be targeted to improve specific sports skills or fundamentals like coordination, balance, flexibility and agility in a fun, creative and safe environment.

Problems with behaviour or concentration after lunch? Lunchtime clubs are a great way to use physical activity and games to address issues and increase performance after lunch. “New research shows students and teachers report physical activity can improve pupils’ mood, confidence and schoolwork. Physically active children report improvements in their schoolwork, behaviour and mental health, according to new research from Sheffield Hallam University” – Sport England

Targeting specific children and sports? Why not use lunchtimes to create a group for specific children only? We are proud to work in many schools with our lunchtime offer that can vary between working with the less active children, to children who need help with self confidence to targeting specific sports like girls football only. 

AJB Sports in Education can offer either a Sport Specific Lunchtime Club or a fun Multi Sports Games Club, both of which can be run indoor or outdoors, dependant on your school’s specific needs and facilities. As with everything that AJB Sports in Education offers, we are happy to work with your school’s individual and unique needs to ensure that all programmes are tailored in the best interests of your pupils.


For more Information or to request one of our energetic, enthusiastic and highly qualified AJB Sports in Education staff members for your school, please either call 07482 189 980 or email [email protected].